Our philosophy

Toward the future where we live symbaiotically with Earth


Are you feeling something is not right in your daily life?

The food we eat, the society and environment we live in, we feel something off, but we cannot make them right.

Perhaps this is because we place more value on what is not in front of us than on what is important.

Our lives, work, information, and the world have become so complicated and the pace of change is so fast that we are doing our best just to keep up.
If I could notice the happiness that comes from the people in front of me, the food I am about to eat, the road I always take, and the casual moments, I would cherish them more.

Do you feel that you are moving away from the future that you wish to see?

We are told that science is advancing and that the world is developing.
It is true that life is becoming more convenient, but is it becoming happier?

We can't change the present, which is the result of development that someone advanced in the past.
However, we can change the future we are moving into.
We can create a new future, we can change the future into what we want it to be.
What should our future be?
We can see it as a result of our thoughts, decisions, and actions.
We can only hope for it after we have acted.

What kind of future we are looking for is
What kind of future we want is different for each person.

However, it seems that there are many things in common.
A world full of diverse nature, a table full of smiling faces, and a world without discrimination, hunger, or war.

Toward that future, the cycle will evolve food production into what it should be.
Together with you, who are wondering what we can do and what we should do.

Protecting the Future and the Present


No man can live alone.

No human being can live alone.
All things can only live in harmony with their environment.
People should know and appreciate that health and happiness are created from this harmony.
There are things that can be started by expanding this feeling.

Harmony has been disturbed by human society.
Reflections on the past and promises for the future. Only on the basis of these two can we have a future.

The earth is facing a variety of environmental problems.
Why did this happen? Why didn't we act before it happened?
Each and every one of us must think deeply about this, determine what we can do, and take action.
Continuing to do so is the way to create the future.

Everything is flowing.


Circulation, that is the foundation of everything. Circulation is the foundation of everything.

Like water, if it is stagnant, it becomes useless, but if it is flowing, it remains pure.

"Stop the destruction of nature" and "Restore the natural environment."

Toward "stopping the destruction of nature" in the food production sector

- Choose production methods that do not involve the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or animal waste runoff that can pollute groundwater, rivers, and oceans. - Depletion of resources / waste of water leading to release of carbon / cultivation of land / plowing of farmland / choosing production methods that do not use oil and coal. - The only way to stop the destruction of nature in food production is to switch to food production that does not involve the destruction of nature.

Toward the "Restoration of the Natural Environment" in the Food Production Sector

- The key to the regeneration of the natural environment is the soil. The power of the microorganisms there is necessary, and they are the allies of microbial prosperity. - Microorganisms play a major role in circulation. Provide the environment and nutrition necessary for their activities and make them healthy. - By adopting methods that encourage biodiversity, we can promote the regeneration of the natural environment through food production.

Symbiotic Life


Instead of going back to the past, let's move forward to the future.

When people stop destroying the environment, the earth will begin to regenerate itself.

- We can make the soil full of microorganisms. - We can make the water clean and rich in minerals. - We can make the air clean, clear, and transparent.

Yes, the earth can be healed.
The problem is that even if we stop destroying it, at the rate nature is going, it will take hundreds or thousands of years to do so.
By combining the "technology" of man with the "life force" of nature, we can shorten that period by far.
We can also aim for the emergence of a supernature that surpasses the nature we know.

It is the role of human beings to support nature with technology and to nurture the earth into a more prosperous place.
It is as if the bacteria in our intestines are supporting us and making us healthier.